Home Technology Toyota Unveils Easily Swappable Hydrogen Fuel Cell Batteries

Toyota Unveils Easily Swappable Hydrogen Fuel Cell Batteries



Essentially, these large hydrogen cartridges look like oversized AA batteries, and they jack into your car (or other power-needing device) to provide power. When dried up, you can swap them out for a new cartridge to keep your stuff running.

My colleague James Frew, who did his dissertation on EV and battery designs, pointed out that the best way to think of these tanks is like a propane tank that powers your gas grill. When the propane runs dry, you get it filled or swap in a new tank.

Toyota's hydrogen cartridges

(Image credit: Toyota)

The issue here is that almost no one is making hydrogen vehicles (yes, Toyota showed off a non-standard race car powered by hydrogen, but that’s not a consumer-focused option). On the other hand, an easier way to fill a hydrogen car (like Toyota’s concept cartridge) could incentivize other car makers to get on board and move us towards hydrogen vehicles in the future.


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